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Mission & Vision


The Vision of Compassionate Service Society (CompaSS) is to facilitate the practice of Bodhisattva ideals (altruism) and holistic cultivation.

Our mission is to provide:

  • Integral Tai Chi to improve personal health. ITC programs provide training for potential instructors, organize integral tai chi and its variations (i.e. flows, exercises for elders, etc.) classes to service the community,
  • Charity services to engender hope and joy. Charity services includes integral tai chi classes, veggie cooking club, compassionate water charity, lectures, tv and radio shows to channel the Buddhas' Dharmas, the Truth, Goodness and Beauty into daily life situations.
  • Meditation to facilitate spiritual healing.

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  • Jun 23, 2013
  • Read 19837 times
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Con xin mở rộng lòng mình; để tiếp đón, chấp nhận và giúp đỡ;
với tình thương và lòng tha thứ; sẵn sàng bao dung tất cả;
sống hợp nhất với chân lý tối cao; biết để yên vạn sự,
và buông xả vạn duyên ( phiền não ).

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