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CSS Training

As working members of CompaSS, we do not just volunteer solely our time and energy, but we are also challenged and made aware on how to be better teammates, better communicators, more efficient and effective workers and have better understanding of organizational as well as human behaviors. To meet these challenges, CompaSS has and will continue to offer our working members the opportunity to learn and evolve both individually and as a group with various trainings. These trainings include essential topics such as communication, teamwork, Spiral Dynamics, Organizational Lifecycles, emotional intelligence, the 5 elements and understanding our shadows (schemas).  These topics have educated and benefitted the individual within the whole in a well rounded scope of information to prepare one for the role of a mature, active, knowledgeable and others-oriented team member.


Communication skills: 
Communication effectiveness, listening and clarity are some of the key points to gain a cooperative life that facilitate compassion, encourage dialogue, and resolve conflicts in family, in the workplace and between friends.

good teamwork is the main ingredient to a successful, effective and efficient team. This training focuses on the five principal reasons causing a team to be dysfunctional and how to avoid those common mistakes. The training also introduces the concept of PAEI, a management system that allows for understanding of self and their team member’s style, strength and weaknesses in order to complement each other towards a successful collaboration. The concept of CAPI is also introduced so that each individual can clearly distinguish who has authority, influence or decision power in each project. This clarity of CAPI will subsequently be the means to diminish miscommunication and misunderstanding among teammates.


Spiral Dynamics: 
According to Spiral Dynamics theory, humans will adapt to their environment by constructing new, more complex conceptual models of the world and allow them to handle new problems. Spiral Dynamics (SD) is a powerful model and predictive theory of human development and cultural evolution. It has emerged as an innovative new tool for understanding the complexity of human behavior. SD has been successfully employed around the globe for conceiving and implementing real-world integral solutions to social conflicts and for catalyzing individual evolutionary transformation. Knowledge about SD can help us understand the complex world we live in and how to navigate the challenges of life in the twenty-first century. We begin to recognize that how we think is so much more important than what we think. This education on the evolution of human society and behaviors allows us the understanding of how real integral transformation takes place in yourself and others.

Organizational Life Cycles: 
Every organization grows, develops and goes through stages, facing problems along the way. It is often critical to be aware of your organization’s stage and the characteristics of that stage. This training uses the Adizes methodology which suggests a model of Corporate Lifecycles and offers some problem solving tools. Another topic addressed in this training is the skills that leaders need to help navigate the organization through changes.


Emotional Intelligence: 
Emotions is part of our human nature and the skill to identify, assess and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others and of the group will help us stay in balance while maintaining a harmonious relationship with oneself and others.

The Five Elements: 
along with the concept of Yin and Yang, ancient Taoist observed a pattern of expression in nature that they interpreted as the Five Elements and believe that they are the prime energetic building blocks from which all material substance in the phenomenal world is composed. This training gives an overall view of the 5 Elements concept and its implications and applications in human behavior and personal cultivation.

The 10 Schemas: 
The schemas are mental images and its related emotional reactions produced in response to a stimulus (actions, events, etc...) happened in the past and these images and emotions become a framework or basis for analyzing and responding to other related stimuli. A small trauma in the past can program us to react in a negative way to totally different situations in life. Learning the basic 10 schemas can help us dig up negative emotions and behaviors that hampered our life and improve our relationship with ourselves and with others.

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